Script Problem can't call F5 [11]

Script Problem can't call F5 [11]

Script Problem can't call F5

Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:54 PM - Simon

I was using netterm and the F Key was:

and I made to add that to the Xshell with no problem and working fine AS i specify alternative key map for F1 to F12 from Terminal --> Keyboard but how I can make script to call F5 as F5 commit some action over app load over the server AIX 6.1
I tried xsh.Screen.Send Chr(135) & xsh.Screen.Send "^V^M"
with same problem it never commit
any help Please how to use it with the script

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, April 19, 2013 2:41 AM - Andrew

If you are trying to send ctrl+v and enter, use the following lines:

xsh.Screen.Send Chr(22)
xsh.Screen.Send VbCr

This will send ctrl+v followed by enter.

Which keys are you trying to send?

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, April 19, 2013 5:33 AM - simon

Iam trying to send (F5) key as it should commit but F5 in my application have some code as i already add

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, April 19, 2013 6:12 AM - Support

Can you tell us the name of the application you are using and the expected action when you press F5?

Often ^V means ctrl-v and ^M means enter in UNIX.

Technical Support

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, April 19, 2013 8:54 AM - simon

the name of the application is T24 from http://www.temenos.com/products/t24/ and when we run some routines we need to make commit with F5 Key and i made it run as I need when i add the key map with that code *.tkm Terminal --> Keyboard as i told before but i can't make script call that key with that code. any help to call key F5 while i made the keymap change with what i need.
note: before i make the change it was't working but working normal with that code.
waiting your feed back

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:51 PM - Support

Thank you for sharing the solution. I see that you have used the following command.

xsh.Screen.Send chr(22) & Chr(13) ^V & ^M

Technical Support

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Monday, April 22, 2013 6:47 AM - simon

thanks for your help it working fine now

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:26 AM - Bejace Nyachhyon

Function keys for T24 Application:
Create a file with the extension *.tkm with the following content.


Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:43 AM - NISHNA


plz hlp.
i am newto xshell.

Kindly guide me on how to map the function to JBASE -- GLOBUS

F1 - Ctrl U Enter
F5 - Commint - Ctrl V enter
F2 - Move Up
F3 - Move down


Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, March 25, 2016 7:17 AM - zoo

Map F1~F5 in Custom Key mapping dialog with Send String type.
You know key mapping in Xshell?

In the input field, write into the field like this:

\025\n for Ctrl U Enter
commit\026\n for Commint - Ctrl V enter

For Move Up, Move down, you must find out which character or string occurs when you type the keys.

In terminal, execute a command 'cat ' or 'sed -n l'. Then press keys the value of which you want to know.

In my case,

$ cat
^[OA <= up key pressed
^[OB <= down key pressed

In Xshell, put the next string into the input field:
\033OA for ^[OA
\033OB for ^[OB

See also for ASCII control chars.



Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Friday, March 25, 2016 12:22 PM - NISHNA

thx for your help

For F2 - Q
F3 - R

When i do Custom key mapping,
Send string should be Q or [Q?

Key mapping is not working on Globus :(

Re: Script Problem can't call F5

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 10:22 PM - Support

You need to find the string output for the Up/Down keys not the F1/F2 keys. The Up/Down keys are what you want to map. The F1/F2 keys are what you want to map them to.

Can you send us a picture of the output after executing the cat command and hitting the up/down keys?

Technical Support

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