Xshell outputs [2]

Xshell outputs [2]

Xshell outputs by itself string "Xshell" while receiving binary data

Thursday, May 19, 2016 10:08 AM - Stefan Pachner

Dear Netsarang,

I recognized that while receiving binary data XShell outputs by itself the string "Xshell" without any manual typing.

Please have a look at the attachment which is done by serial port monitor. You can see that there is output string "Xshell" after receiving some binray data. I habe two serials (COM4, COM7) simulaneously open. I did not type anything into the Xshell windows.

What is that "feature" for and could it be turned off?



Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Xshell outputs by itself string "Xshell" while receiving binary data

Friday, May 20, 2016 8:10 PM - Support

Much like other terminal emulators, Xshell prints out its name by default when ^E character is outputted.

You can change the value in the session properties. Please see the attached image for reference.

Technical Support

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Re: Xshell outputs by itself string "Xshell" while receiving binary data

Saturday, May 21, 2016 3:50 PM - Stefan Pachner

Great support, many thanks.


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