XAgent isn't working.
XAgent isn't working.
XAgent isn't working.
Monday, June 13, 2016 10:32 AM - Hevilath
Hi support,
I'm using Putty in specific way with pageant. Putty is with default configuration +
Connection->SSH->Auth - "Attempt authentication using Pagent" and "Allow agent forwarding" is enabled.
With this setup I can log in without any problems, although when I'm using XShell5 + XAgent with similar options enabled connection is terminated.
This is what I have:
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
[11:29:12] Version exchange initiated...
[11:29:12] server: SSH-2.0-SSH
[11:29:12] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_5.0.0032 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[11:29:12] SSH2 is selected.
[11:29:12] Algorithm negotiation initiated... (mode 0)
[11:29:12] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
[11:29:12] host key: ssh-rsa
[11:29:12] outgoing encryption: aes256-ctr
[11:29:12] incoming encryption: aes256-ctr
[11:29:12] outgoing mac: hmac-sha2-256
[11:29:12] incoming mac: hmac-sha2-256
[11:29:12] outgoing compression: none
[11:29:12] incoming compression: none
[11:29:13] Host authentication initiated...
[11:29:13] Hostkey fingerprint:
[11:29:13] ssh-rsa 2048 39:85:a0:01:c8:5e:04:f4:bd:f6:f0:24:9a:d2:a4:54
[11:29:13] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[11:29:13] Verified.
[11:29:13] User authentication initiated...
[11:29:13] Sent user name 'USERNAME'.
[11:29:13] Server support public key authentication method.
[11:29:13] Trying to find ssh-agent...
[11:29:13] Xagent is running. Connecting to ssh-agent...
[11:29:13] Received 1 identity-blob(s) from ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Trying next identity blob...
[11:29:13] Received PK_OK packet.
[11:29:13] Sent sign request to ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Received a signature from ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Access granted.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Disconnected from remote host(HOSTNAME) at 11:29:14.
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thank you for any input you might have.
Best regards,
Program Ver. : Xshell 5
I'm using Putty in specific way with pageant. Putty is with default configuration +
Connection->SSH->Auth - "Attempt authentication using Pagent" and "Allow agent forwarding" is enabled.
With this setup I can log in without any problems, although when I'm using XShell5 + XAgent with similar options enabled connection is terminated.
This is what I have:
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]'.
[11:29:12] Version exchange initiated...
[11:29:12] server: SSH-2.0-SSH
[11:29:12] client: SSH-2.0-nsssh2_5.0.0032 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[11:29:12] SSH2 is selected.
[11:29:12] Algorithm negotiation initiated... (mode 0)
[11:29:12] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
[11:29:12] host key: ssh-rsa
[11:29:12] outgoing encryption: aes256-ctr
[11:29:12] incoming encryption: aes256-ctr
[11:29:12] outgoing mac: hmac-sha2-256
[11:29:12] incoming mac: hmac-sha2-256
[11:29:12] outgoing compression: none
[11:29:12] incoming compression: none
[11:29:13] Host authentication initiated...
[11:29:13] Hostkey fingerprint:
[11:29:13] ssh-rsa 2048 39:85:a0:01:c8:5e:04:f4:bd:f6:f0:24:9a:d2:a4:54
[11:29:13] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[11:29:13] Verified.
[11:29:13] User authentication initiated...
[11:29:13] Sent user name 'USERNAME'.
[11:29:13] Server support public key authentication method.
[11:29:13] Trying to find ssh-agent...
[11:29:13] Xagent is running. Connecting to ssh-agent...
[11:29:13] Received 1 identity-blob(s) from ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Trying next identity blob...
[11:29:13] Received PK_OK packet.
[11:29:13] Sent sign request to ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Received a signature from ssh-agent.
[11:29:13] Access granted.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Disconnected from remote host(HOSTNAME) at 11:29:14.
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thank you for any input you might have.
Best regards,
Program Ver. : Xshell 5
Previous views: 910
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