Send ^] to all sessions [1]

Send ^] to all sessions [1]

Send ^] to all sessions

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 9:26 PM - Junaid Subhani

Hi guys,

I am using XShell 5.0.0034.

I am connected to 10 nodes and sending a command to all of them using the Send command to all feature.

I want to run a telnet test and when I send the telnet command to all 10 nodes, I want to send the escape ] character to get out of the telnet.

But when I try to send ^] to all nodes, it does not accept.

How can I send escape commands?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Send ^] to all sessions

Friday, February 12, 2016 1:39 AM - Support

Non-visible characters are not able to be sent through the Compose Bar. You can, however, send the ^] character using the "Send Key Input to All Sessions" option found in the Tools menu. In the terminal, you can use the Alt+# feature. The number for the ^] character is 29. So you can type 29 in the number pad while holding the Alt key.

For more convenience you can take advantage of Quick Command buttons. Associate ^] to a Quick Command button and then toggle the "Send Key Input to All Sessions" option. Now the Quick Command will be sent to all sessions.

You can read more about how to send visible/non-visible characters to multiple sessions and how to utilize Quick Commands in our KB article here:

Xshell Knowledgebase : Sending Strings to Multiple Open Sessions

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