Standard Buttons

Standard Buttons

Xshell includes standard buttons for frequently used tasks and commands.

The following are descriptions of the standard buttons.
Note: By default, not all of these buttons are included in the toolbar. To customize your buttons toolbar (add or remove), click the  button at the far right of the toolbar.





Create a new session by opening the New Session Properties dialog box.


Open the Sessions dialog box.


Close the current session's connection.


Reconnect the session of the current tab.


Show current session's properties. If no session is open, the default session's properties are displayed.


Copy the selection to the clipboard.


Paste clipboard contents.


Open the Find dialog box.


Open the Print dialog box.

Color Schemes

Select color scheme.


Select encoding of the output language.


Select the font and size of the current session. 

New Terminal

Open a new Xshell window. If this button is clicked while connected to a session, a new connection will be attempted using that session's connection information.

New File Transfer

Execute Xftp if Xftp is installed. If this button is clicked while connected to a session, a New File Transfer connection will be attempted using that session's connection information. If Xftp is not installed, an Xshell File Transfer session will be initiated.

Full Screen

Convert to full screen mode. Change back to general window mode by pressing Alt+Enter.


Convert to screen lock mode. Screen lock mode prevents user input until a password is entered.

Key Mapping

Open the Custom Key Mappings dialog box.

Highlight Sets

Open the Highlight Sets dialog box.


Run an Xshell script file.

Trigger ListOpen the Triggers dialog box.

Start RecordingStart script recording.

Pause RecordingPause script recording.

Stop Recording

Stop script recording.

Start Logging

Start logging.

Stop Logging

Stop logging.

Open Log ViewerOpen a saved log file and displays it in a new tab (Log Viewer). If the log contains terminal code, the Log Viewer allows you view the log exactly how it was printed in the terminal.

New Tab Group

Opens a new Local Shell tab in a new tab group. Can be opened to the right, bottom, top, or left.

Sort Tabs

Arrange the currently opened tabs horizontally, vertically, or tiled. Or merge already arranged tabs.


Open the Options dialog box.

User Key Manager

Open the User Keys dialog box.

Host Key Manager

Open the Host Keys dialog box.


Launch the Xagent program.


Open the Xshell help.

Send feedbackLaunch a web browser and navigate to our feedback page.

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