newest-to-oldest sort within topic [1]

newest-to-oldest sort within topic [1]

newest-to-oldest sort within topic

Saturday, February 20, 2016 9:37 PM - vonp

solutions do not come in the first (oldest) topic posting. resolution comes later and the chronologically-last posting that leaves no question unanswered will be the last time anyone posts to a topic and will be the preeminent posting of the whole topic. unfortunately, the way topic postings are currently sorted the answer or latest take on the reason for the topic is literally buried at the end of all of the topic's postings.

most fora operators recognize this simple fact and have the default sort as newest-to-oldest so that users need not wade through a heap of chaff to get to the point of even having a forum addressing application problems.

if this forum operator thinks oldest-to-newest is useful to some one, make that an option and not the default that the preponderance of users find a time-waster.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: newest-to-oldest sort within topic

Thursday, February 25, 2016 8:36 PM - Support

Thanks for the feedback concerning our product forum. We're always looking to provide a better experience to our userbase. We plan to improve our website, including the forums, in the future and will take your feedback and suggestions into consideration. Thank you.

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