Disable sending Meta Key sequence after ESC key [3]

Disable sending Meta Key sequence after ESC key

Tuesday, June 28, 2016 4:07 PM - Sylwester


Is it possible to disable sending Meta Key after ESC keypress?

I've tried turning on Alt-Key As Meta but it doesn't turn off MetaKey on Esc.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Disable sending Meta Key sequence after ESC key

Thursday, June 30, 2016 3:05 AM - hardcoder

I saw the similar problem at the "viper-mode in emacs" issue.
If you describe details, It would be helpful to solve your problem.
Please comment below.

Re: [SOLVED] Disable sending Meta Key sequence after ESC key

Thursday, June 30, 2016 6:47 AM - Sylwester

Thanks for your post!

Problem was that when I hit ESC and quickly afterwards another key it was treated as a combination not as a separate keystrokes.

When I was writing explanation of situation it struck me that the problem may be somewhere deeper than Xshell.

The problem was with tmux+vim combination. I'm so used to tmux that I forgot that it is there and may be interfering.
I've tried vim without tmux and problem wasn't there.

I found out with a bit of googlefu that tmux were treating ESC as meta key (actually meta key is send as esc-sequence) and was waiting for another key to combine it into esc-sequence.

To disable/change this behavior:
set -sg escape-time <value>

Default <value> is 500 ms. Setting it to 0 may cause some problems with different applications, so I've played around and set 40 ms.
set -sg escape-time 40

Re: Disable sending Meta Key sequence after ESC key

Friday, July 1, 2016 1:29 AM - Support

Thanks for the detailed explanation. It may prove useful to many vim and tmux users in the future.

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