New create tab cannot get keyboard focus [4]

New create tab cannot get keyboard focus [4]

New create tab cannot get keyboard focus

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 8:01 AM - tim

After update to 0946, the new create tab or terminal cannot get keyboard focus. Try to upgrade to 0964 and also try to uninstall and reinstall xshell, the issue remain.

1. Open xshell (one local shell tab opened)
2. Enter some chars (like "xyz")
3. Open an new tab
4. Enter other chars (lke "abc"), did not see it on console
5. Switch tab back to first one, see "xyzabc"
6. Create 3th tab, same issue, keyboard focus still in tab 1

OS: Windows 10

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: New create tab cannot get keyboard focus

Tuesday, April 12, 2016 11:47 PM - Support

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Can you verify the method you are using to open the new tab in your scenario? Are you using the + button, Shift+Alt+N, or opening a new tab from the Tab menu? Does the issue occur in all methods of opening a new tab?

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Re: New create tab cannot get keyboard focus

Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:05 AM - tim

It happens on all scenarios.

And more info:
- 'Duplicate' option in tab menu can reproduce the issue, but "Duplicate SSH Channel" work fine
- Use 'New terminal' in tool bar, the new terminal window cannot get keyboard focus, too. Same as Ctrl+Alt+T.

OS: windows 10 professional - Traditional Chinese (TW)
Xshell 5 Language: English

Re: New create tab cannot get keyboard focus

Thursday, April 14, 2016 2:19 AM - tim


After I try to restart Synergy, the issue is gone. Seems the issue cause by Synergy..? But I did not see any keyboard focus issue on other applications.

Anyway, thanks for your reply ~~

Re: New create tab cannot get keyboard focus

Friday, April 15, 2016 12:38 AM - Support

Thanks for the additional information. We'll further investigate the issue.

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