the latest xshell 5 lose focus [3]

the latest xshell 5 lose focus [3]

the latest xshell 5 lose focus

Monday, March 16, 2015 4:44 AM - bob

XShell is a great product, but i found serveral bugs.
I'm using the latest Xshell 5 (version 0537), when i use the fantastic layout functionality, i found it easily loses focus,, when i click a tab, it immediately loses its focus, and i have to use shortcut Alt+(tab no) to focus the tab.
besides, i found xshell 5 sometimes lose my session configuration, when i duplicate a session.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: the latest xshell 5 lose focus

Monday, March 16, 2015 6:44 PM - Support

Thank you for using Xshell. I am glad to hear that you like Xshell!

We are aware of the focus issue and working on fixing the issue.

Can you explain a bit further about the following issue?

>> i found xshell 5 sometimes lose my session configuration, when i duplicate a session.

Technical support

Re: the latest xshell 5 lose focus

Wednesday, April 1, 2015 10:07 PM - jin

it means when you duplicate a session the setting of the duplicated session is different from the original session such as the font type and size,actually when you checking the settings of this it's same with original session.

Re: the latest xshell 5 lose focus

Thursday, April 2, 2015 6:53 PM - Support

Thank you for the update.

Does this problem occur when duplicate a session after making changes to original tab?

If you can please use psr.exe to record the error condition and send it back to us. It will help us enormously.

Technical Support

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