Bug Report: copy & paste make xshell unresponsable [1]

Bug Report: copy & paste make xshell unresponsable [1]

Bug Report: copy & paste make xshell unresponsable

Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:39 AM - Bendany Qian

test case is a little complex.

1. using xshell ssh to any server
2. open a dynamic tunnel, that is a local sock 5 proxy.
3. using proxifier to using this socks proxy.
4. remote desktop to a windows 7 machine, proxifier will let this session through socks 5 proxy
5. in that remote desktop, copy some text
6. paste that text to xshell. make xshell unresponsable.

if i kill that remote desktop session, xshell response again.
if i paste text to other program than xshell. that is fine.

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Bug Report: copy & paste make xshell unresponsable

Thursday, August 27, 2015 5:33 AM - Support

Thank you for reporting this issue. We have duplicated this issue and reported for a fix. Case # is 3319.

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