Multiple tabs not connecting [2]

Multiple tabs not connecting [2]

Multiple tabs not connecting

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 6:53 PM - Ali

Hi all,

I have multiple sessions saved in Xshell that I want to connect to. But when I select like 5 sessions and press Enter to connect to all of them, the tabs open but none of them connect.

I have to manually goto every tab and press on the Reconnect button.

Is this a bug ?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Multiple tabs not connecting

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 2:58 PM - Gleb

Hi all.
I've got the same issue.
Everything work perfectly when I use Reconnect (Ctrl + Shift + R). However, when I use "Reconnect All" to the same hosts, it doesn't work and returns "Connection closed by foreign host.

Disconnected from remote hosthost at 17:51:48."

Xshell 5 (Build 0697)

In logs I've got:

Unexpected packet (53) was received..

Re: Multiple tabs not connecting

Thursday, July 16, 2015 4:39 AM - Support

We are aware of this issue.

For now, you can change the authentication behavior to get around this problem. To do this, open Tools > Options and then select "Always dialog based" for the SSH authentication user interface option.

Technical Support

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