Key Mappings only changed in first tab group [3]

Key Mappings only changed in first tab group [3]

Key Mappings only changed in first tab group

Friday, August 7, 2015 9:37 PM - Adrian

Hi all

I am using build 0719, first time I heard about xshell today. It is an unbelievably great piece of software, I am so happy it exists, I've been searching for something as powerful and customizable for months.

The issue I have is that anytime I change the key mappings (Tools-> options) the changes only apply to the first tab in a window (doesn't matter how many tabs or tab groups I have, only the first, upper-left-most tab is influenced). If I have multiple windows, the changes apply to the first tab of every window. When any other tab is selected/activated, only the default key mappings work. I was not able to change this behaviour no matter what I tried.

Please let me know if this is a bug or if I am doing something wrong.


Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Key Mappings only changed in first tab group

Saturday, August 8, 2015 2:35 AM - Adrian

Actually is it possible that the key mappings are tied to sessions? Because this might be the issue but it's not yet clear to me ... is it possible that when changing key mappings it only affects the session I am currently connected to and have active?

Re: Key Mappings only changed in first tab group

Saturday, August 8, 2015 7:43 AM - Adrian

Nevermind, besides this I found some very dangerous bugs so I don't think I will continue using xshell. The biggest bug I found is trying to paste a config in a session just to have that text pasted in a completely different (seemingly random, or maybe last selected?) session in another tab group.

Too bad, looked like one of the best ssh shells in windows by far.

Re: Key Mappings only changed in first tab group

Thursday, August 20, 2015 8:50 AM - Support

I am sorry to hear that we could not meet your expectation. We are trying hard to bring you the best terminal emulator in the market.

Regarding the issues you reported, the latest release includes the fix for keymap issue.

Also, the paste issue will be fixed in the next release.

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