Scroll Buffer lines [8]
Scroll Buffer lines [8]
Scroll Buffer lines
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 12:00 AM - Madhu
is there a way to increase scroll lines in the xshell? This is really required to capture the history of the shell activities.
or is there a way to record the history in a file?
Program Ver. : Xshell 4
or is there a way to record the history in a file?
Program Ver. : Xshell 4
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 1:00 AM - Support
You can increase the scroll buffer size in the session properties. Go to the Terminal page and increase the buffer size. Try to keep the number lower than 30,000 as too large scroll buffer size can decrease Xshell performance.
Technical Support
Technical Support
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:40 PM - Madhu
This really helps. Thank You.
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Sunday, April 5, 2015 2:07 AM - Nitay Bartal
How do you change it by default to all connections? Without having to go one by one ?
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Sunday, April 5, 2015 7:49 PM - Andrew
You can change the settings in multiple sessions by selecting multiple sessions in the Sessions dialog box and editing them. Any changes made will be saved for all selected sessions.
Monday, April 20, 2015 4:18 AM - Nitay Bartal
I'd like to change that on the XSHELL scope. which means any new session I create will inherent those settings. How is this accomplished?
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Monday, April 20, 2015 5:31 AM - Andrew
You can change the Default session's properties and the new sessions will have the same settings in the Default session properties.
To edit the Default session properties, while you are on Local Shell, click on the File menu and then select Properties. This will open the Default session properties. Anything you edit here will be used for your next new session.
To edit the Default session properties, while you are on Local Shell, click on the File menu and then select Properties. This will open the Default session properties. Anything you edit here will be used for your next new session.
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Monday, April 20, 2015 9:16 AM - Nitay Bartal
Thanks! Works!
Re: Scroll Buffer lines
Thursday, August 27, 2015 8:06 AM - Junaid
Works like a charm. saved me a lot of hassle.
Works like a charm. saved me a lot of hassle.
Previous views: 851
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