sftp using the lcd command [1]

sftp using the lcd command [1]

sftp using the lcd command

Friday, December 11, 2015 11:10 PM - john

When I am connect via a sftp tab in xshell4 and i start changing my local directory it seems to stop working properly. Usually work on first command, if it is the full path though.


sftp:/home> lls

10/16/2015 05:08A <DIR> Temp
03/13/2011 08:36A <DIR> Users

sftp:/home> lpwd
Local directory is C:

sftp:/home> lcd Temp
Local directory is now C:

sftp:/home> lpwd
Local directory is C:

sftp:/home> lcd Users
Local directory is now C:

sftp:/home> lpwd
Local directory is C:

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: sftp using the lcd command

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 8:43 AM - Support

We have successfully duplicated the bug.

We plan on releasing a fix for this as soon as possible, but unfortunately it will be fixed in Xshell 5, not Xshell 4.

In Xshell 4, as a workaround, you can simply type lcd. Browser For Folder dialog box opens. Then you can navigate through folders in the window.

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