how to output the file in Xshell

how to output the file in Xshell

how to output the file in Xshell

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 8:04 AM - Qing

this is what I input in Xshell 5.
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]# vi bin/first
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]# cat bin/first
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]# #!/bin/sh
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]# var="welcome to jq family education"
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]# echo $var
welcome to jq family education
[root@iZ236rppm41Z home]#

but when I visit my website, there's nothing. what should I do more?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

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