How to disable the serial output [1]

How to disable the serial output [1]

How to disable the serial output

Thursday, June 4, 2015 6:40 AM - dellzhui

I'm a newer of xshell, an there was a problem that bothered me.
When I tracking print output, I want to disable the serial output if the key information came, however, the print cound been stoped. So I have to save the print to a file, and search the used information in the file. How troubleed it is!
so ,is there a method to disable the serial output immediately???

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: How to disable the serial output

Tuesday, June 9, 2015 2:37 AM - Support

Do you mean you want to stop scroll when specific information comes out on screen?

Please try using the following settings:

1. Go to session properties and then enable the Enable Scroll to the bottom when press the key option
2. Disable the Scroll to the bottom when terminal input/output.

Save the settings.

3. While you are connected to the remote host, scroll up a little bit to lock scroll position.

4. Open Find (Edit > Find) search for specific keyword.

5. use the Find next button to navigate

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