Import Session File Layout [1]

Import Session File Layout [1]

Import Session File Layout

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 3:33 PM - BRYAN YORK

Can you provide a file type (csv, tab, comma, fixed, flat or ??) and format (with headers) ? I have a large xlsx of servers I wish to import. The only fields that I am concerned are:

Connection, general, name (name of server)
Connection, general, protocol (ssh)
Connection, general, host (ip address)
Connection, general, port number (22)

Connection, authentication, method (public key)
Connection, authentication, username (name)
Connection, authentication, user key (ssh key)
Connection, authentication, passphrase (ssh key password)

Connection, terminal, scroll buffer (9999)

Any assistance would greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Bryan York

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Import Session File Layout

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 6:57 AM - Support

Thank you for your feedback. We support importing from CSV but some fields you mentioned are not included yet. I will request these fields to our developers. Please see following instruction for CSV import guide:


You can probably use the multiple session edit feature to change some fields in multiple sessions at once. To do this, select multiple sessions, right click and then select Properties.

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