Ctrl-D in Xshell prompt [2]

Ctrl-D in Xshell prompt [2]

Ctrl-D in Xshell prompt

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 1:03 AM - Alex

Can't find what means keyboard Ctrl-D shortcut in Xshell prompt (new TAB befor connection or after disconnect).
When i press Ctrl-D XShell closes TAB.
But i should be sure, is shortcut intended, or this is some othe action, and TAB closed for some reasons.

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Ctrl-D in Xshell prompt

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 2:15 AM - Support

In terminals, CTRL-D is usually used for End of transmission. You can avoid this by using the custom keymap feature. On Xshell toolbar, click on the Keyboard icon and click New and then enter CTRL-D. Select String and do not enter anything for action.

After configuring CTRL-D to send nothing, it will not disconnect you from the session.

Technical Support

Ctrl-D in Xshell prompt

Wednesday, April 8, 2015 5:53 AM - Alex

Big thanks!
No, i don't need to redefine shortcut.
This behaviour is good for me.
It is handy.
I just wanted to sure that it is intended.

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