shortcut key conflict with bash [1]

shortcut key conflict with bash [1]

shortcut key conflict with bash

Monday, December 29, 2014 4:36 AM - Sean

screen command is a nice program for us to run process background, but I found Ctrl + a w do not show screen windows list in xshell and Ctrl + a k do not kill this screen terminal for me. However Ctrl + a d to dettach session works! So what's wrong with Ctrl +a w to list sessions in xshell (works in putty)?

More serious, How do I know whether I am in screen window or normal bash window? Many times I try to dettach screen session, I got logout after ctrl+a d. Very embarrassing isn't it? So is there any hints to show me whether am I in a screen window or just normal tty terminal?

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: shortcut key conflict with bash

Monday, January 5, 2015 1:00 AM - Support

We are aware of this issue and will start working on sending all key inputs to the remote terminal.

Thank you for your patience and I will update you when this issue is resolved.

Technical Support

Previous views: 123

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