Xshell5 bug [1]

Xshell5 bug

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 1:22 AM - Alex

Look like Xshell5 path parsing have bug:
for network path "\\server\share\folder"
it tries to display is as "disk:\path" form, and result is

I have Sessions folder on networks server.
Tha path is like "\\server.domain.com\Sharename$\MyFolder\NetSarang\XShell\Sessions".
When i start Xshell5, it opens Local Shell tab and display very long command prompt as:


When i type
the prompt changed to

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Xshell5 bug

Thursday, January 1, 2015 6:40 PM - Support

Thank you for reporting the bug. We have successfully duplicated this problem.

For now, you can map network folder location to as a local folder and use the local path instead.

Technical Support

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