Few Feature Requests [5]

Few Feature Requests [5]

Few Feature Requests

Saturday, March 15, 2008 5:53 AM - Pravat

1) How about a feature to import the saved sessions from other SSH Clients like 'putty'? Currently itΒΏs all manually re-creating the sessions and saving them.

2) One dropdown menu (anywhere near the sessions tab) to cache the recently used commands, from which we can select the any used commands and fire them back to the session quickly, without having to retype it or without having to use the history command or without the hassle of scrolling up-down looking for a specific command or syntax.

I have couple more ideas but let me see if anyone listeningΒΏ

Hats off to Xshell 3.0 :)

Re: Few Feature Requests

Monday, March 17, 2008 3:40 PM - Support

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I have added these features to our requested feature list and hope to bring it to life soon.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Few Feature Requests

Tuesday, March 18, 2008 11:31 PM - Pravat

Mail me across when you have these features up. Will upgrade to the required build.

Thank you...

Even a HOT-Key function can be added, like running a particular command/script whcih is stored/located/configured on the localhost i.e. XP/Vista, directly on the remote servers i.e. Linux/AIX/Solaris etc.

So, you press a set of sefl-configured key combination to execute particular command/script and done...

Re: Re: Re: Few Feature Requests

Thursday, March 27, 2008 6:52 PM - Support

We have made a simple session import utility (beta). For now, you can import sessions from Putty and ZOC 5. We may add other applications in the future.

How to use the SessionImporter.exe
After extracting the attached file, run SessionImporter.exe by double clicking on it. Click the ZOC5 Import button and select your ZOC 5 host file (zochosts.ini by default).

Before you import sessions, please make sure you back up Xshell session files.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Few Feature Requests

Tuesday, April 1, 2008 7:14 AM - Pravat

Cool... Nice work Guys... It works like a charm...

But please donΒΏt mess all the profiles (by adding the new imported profiles) to a single folder/group. Two things can be done about the same. 1st: you can PREPEND the text ΒΏputtyΒΏ or ΒΏZOCΒΏ to the respective imported profiles, else 2nd: create separate folder groups (ideally named Putty/ZOC etc) and move the imported profiles there (check the attached screenshot for a clear picture).

And don't forget to add it as a menu option in future releases... don't let it go like a tool, lost somewhere...
Attachment PuttyImport.jpg (42.8 KB)Β Β 

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Few Feature Requests

Thursday, April 3, 2008 4:39 PM - Support

It's been done.

Please refer to the following link:


Technical Support

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