width of "session tab" [1]
width of "session tab" [1]
width of "session tab"
Wednesday, January 9, 2008 5:53 PM - Ming
While I use XShell 2.0, the width of session tab is as short as possible, such as the screenshot in netsarang's website, However, in XShell 3.0, seems there is a minimum width, even the session tab name is just 2 character, the width is longer than XShell 2.0. usually engineers need to open over 10-20 SSH/TELNET connections, and this feature may reduce the quantity of tab showing, hope the minimum width could be reduced or cancelled
Re: width of "session tab"
Wednesday, January 9, 2008 6:10 PM - Support
Thank you for your feedback. This has been reported. Hope to bring this to life soon.
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