Extra space after characters [4]

Extra space after characters [4]

Extra space after characters

Friday, December 21, 2007 8:53 PM - Paul Lebedev

Russian letters and some line drawing characters are displayed with an extra space after them, as seen on the screenshot. Server is using UTF-8 (and UTF-8 is selected in connection properties). XShell 3.0 Beta 0184.
Attachment XShell.PNG (39.5 KB)  

Re: Extra space after characters

Monday, December 24, 2007 2:25 PM - Lank Blair

As far as I know, mc(midnigt commander) usually doesn't support UTF8 encoding.

Try using non-utf8 encodings.

Re: Re: Extra space after characters

Monday, December 24, 2007 9:07 PM - Paul Lebedev

The same happens on the plain shell, it's just an example. And PuTTY doesn't have this problem.
Attachment Compare.PNG (23 KB)  

Re: Re: Re: Extra space after characters

Wednesday, December 26, 2007 2:04 PM - Support

Thank you for your report. We have found the problem and fixed it. We will release the updated edition soon.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Extra space after characters

Thursday, January 3, 2008 3:01 PM - Support

This problem has been fixed in Xshell 3.0 Build 0189. Please try updating your Xshell.

To remove spaces between the characters, open the session properties dialog box and click Terminal from the Category menu. In the Translation area, select Unicode (UTF-8) for encoding, and then clear the "Treat CJK ambiguous characters as wide" option.

Thank you for participating in Xshell beta testing.

Technical Support

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