Xshell and midnight commander [1]

Xshell and midnight commander [1]

Xshell and midnight commander

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3:44 AM - David

I have a problem with showing normal layout in program midnight commander. On my server (centos) i am using utf8 . In Xshell i have utf8.default language. I tried also other languages but it is still not showing propertly. What i mean is that the lines in "mc" are not showed propertly. Instead of lines i see some other chars.

I attached screenshoots for better imagination.

Attachment sc1.JPG (115.5 KB)Β Β 

Re: Xshell and midnight commander

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:06 PM - Support

While Xshell 3.0 supports most UTF environment, Xshell 2.0 currently does not work with some UTF environment. Since your problem is solved in the 3.0 version, we recommend you to use Xshell 3.0 Beta available at:


Thank you for using Xshell.

Technical Support

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