a bug of all Xshell 3.0 Beta [1]

a bug of all Xshell 3.0 Beta [1]

a bug of all Xshell 3.0 Beta

Saturday, September 1, 2007 1:34 PM - 1288893

xshell login A server , next, from A server login B server , now , at B server , run "sz xxx.tar.gz(the file size >10M , the xshell windows will dead, and the
file will not download.

new xftp have the bug too . new xftp download 100M file , will not finished.

Re: a bug of all Xshell 3.0 Beta

Monday, September 3, 2007 2:21 PM - Support

The Xshell problem of using 'sz' command with the file bigger than 10M has been reported to our developers. Please check back soon for an update.

About the Xftp problem of transferring a file with 100M, we have failed to duplicate this. If you provide us the following information, it will help solving the problem instantly.

1. Name and version of the operating system installed in your remote host
2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP or SFTP?)
3. Name of the file you want to transfer

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

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