Feature suggestion for XShell 3.0 [1]
Feature suggestion for XShell 3.0
Friday, October 5, 2007 4:11 PM - Richard Magyar
I wondering if you can implement the following features in XShell 3.0:
Drag&Drop file transfer with SCP/SFTP. If you drop a file on the terminal window, the file will transferred to the actual session's actual working directory. I know, it's already working for ZModem, but can you implement SCP/SFTP transfer?
I wondering if you can implement the following features in XShell 3.0:
Drag&Drop file transfer with SCP/SFTP. If you drop a file on the terminal window, the file will transferred to the actual session's actual working directory. I know, it's already working for ZModem, but can you implement SCP/SFTP transfer?
Re: Feature suggestion for XShell 3.0
Friday, October 5, 2007 5:29 PM - Support
Thank you for your suggestion. We will make note of the feature for future development.
FYI, you can use Drang&Drop with SFTP/FTP when connected with SFTP or FTP protocol.
Technical Support
FYI, you can use Drang&Drop with SFTP/FTP when connected with SFTP or FTP protocol.
Technical Support
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