background colours in Xshell [4]

background colours in Xshell [4]

background colours in Xshell

Friday, February 16, 2007 7:23 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore


I have installed Xshell as part of Xmanager Enterprise 2.1 (I have an Educational license) and I would like to define for each connection to an external linux computer a window with different background colour. However, if I login on a computer and then from the option panel I change the colour of the background for that specific conection, then the same background colour is applied to all the saved connections. Is there a way to specify a backgound colour separately for each window ? I see that I can define a specific colour for the cursor for each different connection, but I don't seem to have the same success with the background colour.

Thanks for the help,


Re: background colours in Xshell

Saturday, February 17, 2007 1:11 AM - K

You should select a color scheme in Properties->Appearance->Color Scheme.

Re: Re: background colours in Xshell

Monday, February 19, 2007 11:14 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore


that is exactly what I do, but whatever colour scheme I choose it is applied to *all* login windows that I define. What I would like to do is define e colour scheme diferent for *each* login window I define. Is this possible ?

Thanks !


Re: Re: Re: background colours in Xshell

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 12:04 PM - JB


I will add some more to KΒΏs

First, Tools > Color Schemes... to create and edit as many schemes as you wish.

Then, select you desired color scheme (among all created ones) for each of your sessions.

Hope you got it :)


Re: Re: Re: Re: background colours in Xshell

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 6:50 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore

Got it now, thanks ! ;-)


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