login panel disappeared [2]

login panel disappeared

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:17 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore


I've installed Xshell as part of Xmanager Enterprise 2.1. Until yesterday, when I double-clicked on the Xshell icon an Xshell window appeared and together with it also the panel with all the sessions that I have defined in Xshell poped-up, so that I only had to click on the session I wanted to open to start it. Now (and I don't understand why since in principle nothing has changed !) when I double-click on the Xshell icon the Xshell window pops-up but not the panel with the saved sessions. In order to open one of the saved sessions I have to click on the button on the status bar that corresponds to 'Open'. How can I restore the feature of having the panel automatically once I double-click on the Xshell icon ?

Thanks !


Re: login panel disappeared

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:25 PM - Andrew

Click Open in the toolbar and select the "Show this dialog box at startup" option in the Sessions dialog box.

- Andrew

Re: Re: login panel disappeared

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:30 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore

Many thanks !


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