Suggestion on Xshell behavior [1]

Suggestion on Xshell behavior [1]

Suggestion on Xshell behavior

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:50 PM - in0de


The default shortcut for closing session window
is set to "ALT+C" and mistyping actually do happens.
what if it's on the way of processing a batch job without an &? horrible.

Xshell is a tabbed application but lacks of its tab control shortcuts.
Ctrl+PgUp, PgDn for switching tab back and forth,
Ctrl+F4 instead of Alt+C for closing a tab session,
mousewheel on tabbutton or tabbar would be great.

Much appreciates for this cool apps.

Re: Suggestion on Xshell behavior

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 3:43 PM - Support

Thank you for using Xshell.

Ctrl key is reserved for special purpose in UNIX/Linux (i.e. Ctrl+c to terminate a process), so this is why we can't use CTRL+C for closing a session.

However, from Xshell 3.0, you can assign a different key combination by creating a customized menu. To do this:

First, create customized menu:
1. Make a copy of the following file

C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xshell3\example_en.mnu

2. Open the copied file and find the following line:


3. Change Alt+C to to a different key combination (i.e. Ctrl+c).

*Be careful not to use the same key combination twice.

Then, you have to tell Xshell to use customized menu. Here is how:

1. In the Xshell menu bar, click Tools, and then Options.
2. Click the Menu & Shortcut keys tab, and select the Use customized menu option.
3. Click the browse button and select the customized menu file you have made earlier.
4. Click OK to save the changes.

That's it!

Here are some key combinations you may find resourceful.

Change between open tabs
Forward: CTRL+tab
Backward: CTRL+Shift+Tab

Close a session: ALT+c

Move to previously working tab: Shift+tab

Hope this answers your question.

Technical Support

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