Option to Allow multiple instances of XShell [1]

Option to Allow multiple instances of XShell [1]

Option to Allow multiple instances of XShell

Sunday, December 28, 2008 5:44 PM - Dan Dascalescu

I like to switch to applications in Windows using keyboard shortcuts. These keyboard shortcuts can be assigned from the Properties context menu of the application shortcut on the desktop.

The problem with XShell is that if you assign a keyboard, shortcut, say Ctrl+Alt+X, then press those keys, a new XShell window will be created, instead of the current one getting focus.

Would it be possible to add an option to "Allow running multiple instances" of XShell? Unchecking that option will solve the problem above.

DanProgram Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Option to Allow multiple instances of XShell

Monday, December 29, 2008 9:48 AM - Support

Thank you for your feedback.

This feature has been requested and hopefuly we will bring it to life soon.

Happy holidays!

Technical Support

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