Can't use Portuguese characters in X-Shell [1]

Can't use Portuguese characters in X-Shell [1]

Can't use Portuguese characters in X-Shell

Thursday, November 27, 2008 3:34 AM - Ivo Pereira

Hello, everyone.I use X-Shell 3.0 in a daily basis, and it simply the best SSH terminal program ever for Windows, in my opinion.However, I am somewhat confused with the terminal emulation types available to use and configure. I need to update MySQL collumns directly in bash and they must contain Portuguese / Non-english characters (accentuated, mostly like " ΒΏ " ) and I am unable to configure X-Shell to allow this.Can anyone please help ? This must be a easy question to answer to more experienced users :)Thanks in advance,Ivo PereiraIT ConsultantPortugal

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Can't use Portuguese characters in X-Shell

Sunday, November 30, 2008 6:12 PM - georgexsh

did you try to use unicode on both side?(locale && xshell codepage)

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