Terminal Output Encoding Change

Terminal Output Encoding Change

Xshell uses the default user language in Windows system. Users can select and use various encodings which differ from the Windows system according to remote host encoding.

To Change Session Encoding:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the standard [Encoding] button and select an encoding to use.
    • Open the Session Properties dialog box and select [Terminal] from [Category] and select an encoding from the [Encoding] list.
  2. Display UTF-8 Encoding:
    • If a remote computer is set to support unicode (UTF-8) and to use UTF-8, use 'Unicode (UTF-8)' as encoding. UTF-8 encoding enables simultaneous output of character sets in various languages.
  • Note
    To correctly display the selected encoding, the selected encoding language pack must be installed in the Windows system concerned.
    Encoding option does not change keyboard input values. If necessary, install the appropriate IME (Input Method Editor) provided by Windows.

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