Window Handling

Window Handling

To Minimize to Notification Area:

  1. Open the Options dialog box.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Check [Send to the notification area when minimized] in [Window] options.
  4. Save changes by clicking [OK].

To Minimize to Notification Area at Startup:

  1. Open the Options dialog box.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Check [Minimize to the notification area at Xshell startup] in [Window] options.
  4. Save changes by clicking [OK].

To Exit Xshell when All Connections are Closed:

  1. Open the Options dialog box.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Check [Exit Xshell when all connections are closed] in [Session] options.
  4. Click [OK].

To Exit to Local Shell when Connections are Closed:

  1. Open the Options dialog box.
  2. Click the [Advanced] tab.
  3. Check [Revert to local shell when connection is closed] in [Session] options.
  4. Click [OK].

To Create New Xshell Window:

  1. Select [New Window] from the [Window] menu.

To Move to Another Xshell Window:

  1. Select [Next] or [Previous] from the [Window] menu.
  • Note
    The same functionmay be executed using Alt+Right and Alt+Leftkeys.

To Close All Xshell Windows Simultaneously:

  1. Select [Close All] from the [Window] menu.

To Close All Xshell Windows Except the Current Window:

  1. Select [Close All but This] from the [Window] menu.

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