Tree View [1]

Tree View [1]

Tree View

Thursday, April 3, 2008 10:01 PM - Pravat

At the Session startup, the ¿Details¿ view is great to see all the available details of the individual sessions, like the hostnames, protocols and usernames used, but ¿Tree View¿ is the view of choice when you want to browse through the maze of sessions.

But once you are in the ¿Tree View¿ you can¿t see the details of all the sessions at once, only one at a time is possible.

I don¿t see any justification for that. When you have space, utilize it to the most. Makes life easy¿

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Tree View

Friday, April 4, 2008 10:02 AM - Support

We try to stick with strict Windows standard interface style. This way, our new users can easily familiarize themselves with our applications.

Not that this idea is bad it¿s just not Windows standard. We will do some brainstorming to incorporate this idea.

As always, thanks for sharing your idea.

Technical Support

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