where is Xshell envionment variables %PATH% [1]

where is Xshell envionment variables %PATH% [1]

where is Xshell envionment variables %PATH%

Friday, July 11, 2008 1:08 PM - seker

My OS:windows 2003
Xshell for Xmanager Enterprise 3.0

I want to know how to set the environment variable %PATH% for Xshell.
then to "Xshell: \>" in order to use OS command.
Like as the command prompt for windows "C:\".


Xshell:\> echo %PATH%
Xshell: echo: command not found.
Xshell:\> sqlplus
Xshell: sqlplus: command not found.

C:\>echo %PATH%
D:\oracle\Administrator\product\11.1.0\client_1\bin;C:\Program Files\Common Fil


SQL*Plus: Release - Production on 星期五 7月 11 11:52:12 2008

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Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: where is Xshell envionment variables %PATH%

Friday, July 11, 2008 3:39 PM - Zookeyan

Xshell is not a OS command interpreter. You can use only commands to be shown in Xshell terminal window by typing ? or help.

Xshell:\> ?
Internal Commands:
new: Creates a new session.
open: Opens a session or the session dialog box.
edit: Opens the Session Property dialog box for a session.
list: Lists information of all available sessions.
'ls' and 'dir' do the same.
cd: Changes the current working directory.
clear: Clears the screen/address/command history.
help: Displays this help. '?' does the same.
quit: Quits Local Shell. 'exit' does the same.
ssh: Connects to a host using the SSH protocol.
telnet: Connects to a host using the TELNET protocol.
rlogin: Connects to a host using the RLOGIN protocol.
sftp: Connects to a host to transfer files securely.
ftp: Connects to a host to transfer files.

External Commands:
ipconfig: Configures TCP/IP network interfaces.
ping: Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts.
tracert: Prints the route packets take to network host.
netstat: Displays current protocol statistics and current
TCP/IP network connections.
nslookup: Resolves a hostname to IP address.

For more information, type 'help command' for each command.
ex) help telnet

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