A few issues [2]

A few issues [2]

A few issues

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 4:17 AM - Stephane Rosa


I'm evaluating Xshell as a replacement for Attachmate Reflection. During the early tests I found a series of little annoying issues on which I would like to have your thoughts :

1) The terminal is only using bold. I have tried several emulations and color schemes, but it uses exclusively the bold characters. In other terms, the command : echo "\033[0mNOTBOLD\033[1mBOLD" results in a single bold text. This has been mentionned in Post #239 already. See attached picture also for a comparison with Reflection.

2) I cannot use the tilde ~ sign. It exits to the XShell prompt. This is reported in posts #220 and #238 except that I have a Swiss keyboard, not Turkish. By the way, the Ctrl-Alt-] does not produce anything at all for me.

3) Is there a way to map the Ctrl key to something ? I use Ctrl-Arrows in editors and shells but can't make it do anything at all. Actually, is there a list somewhere of ALL the keycodes that one can use in a Keyboard Mapping file ? This way we could create our own keyboard/codes the way we want.

4) Is there a way to change the path to the Session Folder ? The idea is to be able to have shared .xsh files on a shared folder so that everyone has same settings.

Thank you very much.

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: A few issues

Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:50 PM - georgexsh

Change the path of Session Folder is a good idea!

Re: A few issues

Monday, October 27, 2008 10:24 PM - Support

For 1) and 2), we will fix these problems in the future release. Thank you for reporting the problems.

For 3) and 4), we will consider adding these features in the future releases. Thank you again for sharing your ideas.

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