adding variables to the quick command buttons [1]

adding variables to the quick command buttons [1]

adding variables to the quick command buttons

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 3:44 AM - bader saleh
hello againΒ 

loved the cmd history feature it helped me alotΒ 
also im still waiting for the plugins :$

iwant to ask about the quick command featureΒ 
is it possible to add variables support in the quick command ??
cuz there's useful commands that need variable supportΒ 
ex: the snippets used in ssh explorer
bzip2 -dcΒ | tar -xof -

when clicking a button a box pops up to fill the needed variable


Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: adding variables to the quick command buttons

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:41 AM - Support
Thank you for checking back with us. I am glad that you liked the history feature.

And yet another interesting concept! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us.

Technical Support

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