Multi-Monitor Arrangement Problem [2]

Multi-Monitor Arrangement Problem [2]

Multi-Monitor Arrangement Problem

Monday, March 1, 2004 7:55 AM - Chris Steva

I have a dual-monitor WinXP system. The left-hand monitor is #1 and the right-hand monitor is #2. I am running multiple window mode.

The #2 monitor is slightly higher than the #1. I use display properties to compensate for this by raising #2 up slightly so that the mouse does not 'jump' up or down when traveling between screens.

Using Xmanager 1.3.9 or 2.0, the window opens in the #1 monitor. The problem is that all dialog boxes open in #1 also, but they appear above the top of the screen so that the top portion is cut off, and they cannot be moved. They are appearing as if they were at the top of the #2 monitor.

(see attachment)

Problem needs corrected so that dialog boxes do not appear on the #1 monitor based on the elevation of the #2 monitor.

Re: Multi-Monitor Arrangement Problem

Monday, March 1, 2004 11:30 PM - Support

Thanks for your feedback.
This problem will be fixed soon and we will reply to this article.

Technical Support

Re: Multi-Monitor Arrangement Problem

Thursday, March 4, 2004 4:55 PM - Support

The problem has been fixed and you can download a new package at:


We would appreciate your feedback.

Technical Support

Previous views: 120

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