Pyhon script error 80040154 [8]

Pyhon script error 80040154 [8]

Pyhon script error 80040154

Wednesday, July 8, 2015 11:32 AM - Jan

i runned the python script given named xshell_session.py/xshell_screen.py under the ScriptSample folder, it just cat an error
"Error:80040154, CoCreateInstance() for PYTHONSCRIPT"
My operating system is windows 7 64bits.

Can anyone help me?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Pyhon script error 80040154

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 7:51 AM - Support

We are looking into script problem right now. Meanwhile, can you attach your script for us to review?

Technical Support

Re: Pyhon script error 80040154

Thursday, September 10, 2015 2:46 AM - Jackie Yeh

I have exactly the same issue.
My XShell version is 5.0.0027
Module info in detail:
Xshell.exe: 5.0.0027, nssock2.dll: 5.0.0018, nsssh3.dll: 5.0.0023, nsprofile2.dll: 5.0.0017, nslicense.dll: 5.0.0013, nsutil2.dll: 5.0.0016, nsverchk.exe: 5.0.0008, Xagent.exe: 5.0.0013, Xactivator.exe: 5.0.0003

It's a very simple Python script for test:
def Main():

Should I install Python in my system first?
PS. I'm running XShell on Win 8.1

Re: Pyhon script error 80040154

Thursday, September 24, 2015 5:54 AM - Support

Yes. You have to install Python engine. I am attaching the the instruction on how to prepare your system for Python scripts.

Technical Support

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Re: Pyhon script error 80040154

Tuesday, May 2, 2017 4:37 AM - zoo

Try again after installing 32 bit python.
Xshell is one of 32 bit applications.

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