Multi-Hop Login not working [1]

Multi-Hop Login not working

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:20 AM - Lynn

I'm using SSH_PASSTHROUGH of Xshell's Proxy.

I followed all steps, but when I try to login into desc_svr, I arrived at gw_svr.

I use `printenv` in .bash_profile to find out the problems, but found no XSHELL_PROTOCOL variable.

Is it a bug?

Build: 1332

Program Ver : Xshell 5

Xshell Knowledgebase : Multi-Hop Login Using Xshell

Re: Multi-Hop Login not working

Thursday, September 14, 2017 4:44 PM - Support

Hi Lynn,

It look like we omitted an important step in the knowledge base article. You must add the following to your ssh_config file.


Try again after adding the above and restarting sshd.

I apologize for the inconvenience. This step has now been added to the article.

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