Documentation for .tkm files [1]

Documentation for .tkm files

Saturday, December 2, 2017 2:29 PM - Ben

Hello, I wonder if I can change the behaviour of Home and End keys by editing .tkm files? For standard xterm Home should send ^[[H instead of ^[[1~.
And it would be great to have a full documentation for .tkm files. Hoping to find more usage of that file!

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Documentation for .tkm files

Wednesday, December 6, 2017 4:37 PM - Support

All xterms don't send the ^[[H string when the Home key is pressed. Xshell now sends ^[[1~ for the Home key.

To change this, use the key mapping option by going to Tools -> Options -> Keyboard and mouse settings. No need to mess with .tkm files.

When mapping the key as 'Send String,' the ^[[H string can be expressed as \033[H.

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