Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar [4]

Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar [4]

Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar

Wednesday, April 19, 2017 6:24 AM - Ofir Meguri

I would like to add a horizontal scroll bar in order to see long text lines.
The only way I found to see those long lines is to by checking the VT Mode "Auto Wrap Mode (DECAWM)" but I don't want warp. I want to keep the single line and to use horizontal scroll bar to see the rest of the line.
Is there any way to configure that?

Program Ver. : Xshell 5

Re: Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar

Friday, April 21, 2017 6:40 PM - Support

Currently, there is no way to configure this. However, it has been brought to the attention of our dev team. Thank you!

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Re: Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar

Tuesday, October 17, 2017 8:37 PM - anish

I wish this feature is introduced in new Xshell version. :(

Re: Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar

Tuesday, December 19, 2017 10:25 PM - Protonus

There must surely be a way to do this right? If I disable Auto Wrap Mode under VT modes, it displays how I want - but it truncates the lines, instead of allowing us to scroll right to see the rest of the line.

If I enable Auto Wrap - I can see the full line, but it wraps, making it very difficult to read things like text based tables!

I can't imagine that it isn't possible to horizontally scroll!

If this is truly a feature request please mark this as high priority!

Re: Xshell 5 horizontal scroll bar

Wednesday, December 20, 2017 2:57 AM - Support

Horizontal Scroll Bar has been added into Version 6 which is currently in Open Beta. It will not be available for Version 5. You can download the Version 6 Beta here:


To enable Horizontal Scroll Bar, you'll need to make sure that you enable Fixed Column Size. You can do so by going to:

Session Properties -> Terminal -> Check the "Fixed Column Size" option

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