Failed to import user key! [13]

Failed to import user key! [13]

Failed to import user key!

Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:32 PM - Doug

One of my servers is using openssh keypair authentication.

I used puttygen to generate a public key and a private key, and have been able to login to my server using the ppk file with putty.

But when I tried to import the ppk file into Xshell, it always says "Failed to import the user key!".

Program Ver. : Xshell 3.0

Re: Failed to import user key!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010 12:36 AM - Support

Putty uses its own user key format (not the default use key format) which is not supported by Xshell. We will consider adding a feature to allow importing Putty generated user keys.

Technical Support

Re: Failed to import user key!

Monday, April 5, 2010 3:36 PM - Fernando

You can import the ppk in puttygen, then export to open ssh2 in menu conversions/export openssh key. The generated file can be imported into Xshell.

Re: Failed to import user key!

Friday, April 23, 2010 5:18 PM - Enmity

I generated a keypair with ssh 5.5 p1 and tried to import the public key into Xshell but it failed. This should be the standard OpenSSH format for the key so I do not understand why that would not be supported, vs PuTTY's propriety format.

Why would that have failed?

Re: Failed to import user key!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 11:17 PM - Support

Xshell supports SECSH public key file format. To convert the public key into SECSH format, you can use the -e ssh-keygen option. For example, to convert a public key, "test.pub" to SECSH format, use:

# ssh-keygen -e test.pub

Technical Support

Re: Failed to import user key!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 12:50 AM - vanza


I generate my keys in linux, then convert public dsa to secsh format, but key still does not fit. What should I do? Thank you!

Re: Failed to import user key!

Saturday, May 17, 2014 1:46 PM - illuder

You can import the ppk in puttygen, then export to open ssh2 in menu conversions/export openssh key. The generated file can be imported into Xshell.

>>thank you this worked perfectly!!

Re: Failed to import user key!

Friday, October 24, 2014 12:43 AM - Ather Hashmi

Fernando - you're a life saver man. Thanks a lot for telling me how to do that in XShell.


Re: Failed to import user key!

Friday, December 12, 2014 2:14 AM - Laiju V G

Fernando --> On the dot..Thanks buddy.

Re: Failed to import user key!

Monday, July 18, 2016 10:01 AM - Eliran

All of these methods do not work.
This is very disappointing, as a Xshell user in the past couple of years this is an issue that is a Blocker for me, and I will sadly need to use an app that does support these files :\

Re: Failed to import user key!

Friday, July 14, 2017 7:27 AM - srirama rayaprolu

Yes the import of putty ppk file is not working.

When this feature will be available

Re: Failed to import user key!

Friday, July 14, 2017 7:34 AM - srirama rayaprolu

More over the puttygen way of generated public key, from ppk, too not working in Xshell 5.0.

Re: Failed to import user key!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:44 AM - zoo

About private key type, Xshell and Putty meet at OpenSSH format.
PuttyGen can export Putty private keys(.ppk) into OpenSSH private key type , which can be imported by Xshell directly.

If you have a lot of ppk files to convert, give it a try to use command line based puttygen.


Re: Failed to import user key!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017 10:21 AM - Nalin

Thanks Mr. Fernando. it's indeed a good advice and I was able to login using new key.

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