messy Xemacs window when scrolling up and down [2]

messy Xemacs window when scrolling up and down [2]

messy Xemacs window when scrolling up and down

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 8:09 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore


I'm connected to a Linux box via Xshell and I have Xmanager Enterprise 2.1 running. When I open an Xemacs window I have that, when I scroll up and down using the scrollbar, some of the characters (expecially underscores and minus signs) tend to be 'transported' up and down on the window (and disappear from their original position on the text) and mess up all the window. I'm running Xmanager and Xshell on a 1.4 Gb Sony Vaio with Windows XP. What can the problem be here ?



Re: messy Xemacs window when scrolling up and down

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:08 PM - Support

This can be caused due to the problem of XEmacs when the selected font, terminal type, and language setting are not compatible to each other. This is a common problem and most users just type C-l for all the pixel garbage to be disappeared.

In order to duplicate your problem, please provide us the following information:

1. Screenshot of the problem
2. XEmancs version
3. Selected font in XEmacs
4. Linux/Unix version
5. Terminal type
6. Lang value

Thank you for your cooperation.

Technical Support

Re: Re: messy Xemacs window when scrolling up and down

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:22 PM - Fabrizio Salvatore


it seems that today the problem is not happening, I'll attach a screenshot in case it happens again.

The other info you askedare the following:

2. XEmacs version
XEmacs 21.4 (patch 13) "Rational FORTRAN" [Lucid] (i386-redhat-linux, Mule)

3. Selected font in XEmacs

4. Linux/Unix version
Linux based on RedHat Scientific Linux CERN Release 3.0.5 (SL)

5. Terminal type

6. Lang value

Thanks for the support.


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