need help connecting [1]

need help connecting [1]

need help connecting

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 4:27 AM - sbora

I tried using both xstart and xdmcp to connect to the host and i got rejected both times.
It says it cannot connect to host.
I was wondering if I should be connected to the host trough a vpn client while using xmanager?
also it never asks for a group username and password.
would appreciate any help in getting started

Re: need help connecting

Wednesday, October 17, 2007 11:06 AM - Demitry

If the host is on VPN then, yes, you should be connected to VPN.

Also, see what it says on the Xrcmd: Reply message window. It should tell you why Xstat can't connect to the host.

Here is Startup guide. Follow the instruction to setup your host and PC:



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