Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection [7]

Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection [7]

Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Sunday, April 30, 2006 10:32 AM - Xman
I have the follow problem.
I can run xterm via xshell, however, each time I run xstart to open xterm, there is no response from xstart.

I copy the result below:
[18:24:13] Resolving host name 'xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx'...
[18:24:13] Connecting to 'xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx'...
[18:24:13] Connected.
[18:24:23] Version exchange initiated...
[18:24:23] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.2
[18:24:23] client: SSH-2.0-libssh_1.3.4.0 2251 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[18:24:23] SSH2 is selected.
[18:24:23] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[18:24:23] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[18:24:23] host key: ssh-dss
[18:24:23] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[18:24:23] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[18:24:23] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[18:24:23] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[18:24:23] outgoing compression: none
[18:24:23] incoming compression: none
[18:24:23] Host authentication initiated...
[18:24:23] Hostkey fingerprint:
[18:24:23] ssh-dsa 1024 cd:6a:07:45:17:f1:a4:3d:62:1e:32:f8:29:53:b3:29
[18:24:24] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[18:24:24] Verified.
[18:24:24] User authentication initiated...
[18:24:24] Sent user name 'xxxx'.
[18:24:30] Sent password.
[18:24:30] Access granted.
[18:24:30] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[18:24:30] Succeeded.
[18:24:30] Sent the command line.
[18:24:30] /usr/openwin/bin/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY
[18:24:30] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
[18:24:31] An X11 channel (id=1) has opened.
[18:24:31] Stop timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN).

Can anybody help me with this problem? I had this problem each time I am using wireless connection. For wireline connection, there is no problem. I will provide more details if it helps. Thank you!

Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:27 PM - Support
Only difference that Xshell has with Xstart is that it allocates terminal before executing a command. Try enabling this option in Xstart. To do this, please follow the instruction below:

1. Open Xstart.
2. Select SSH in the Protocol list.
3. Click Setup.
RESULT: SSH Protocol Setup dialog box opens up.
4. Click the Options tab.
5. Select Allocated a pseudo terminal before executing a command.
6. Click OK to save the change.

If your problem persists, please send us the following information:

1. Make sure that Xshell works with wireless connection.
2. Describe your network environment (IP addresses of your PC and the remote host).

Hope this helps.

Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:54 AM - Xman

Yes, I tried the way given by you before existed in other's post. However, it didn't work. Therefore I raised this question. Here is the result ran on my laptop:

[16:18:42] Resolving host name 'xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx'...
[16:18:42] Connecting to 'xxxx.xxxx.xxx.xxx'...
[16:18:42] Connected.
[16:18:52] Version exchange initiated...
[16:18:52] server: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.2
[16:18:52] client: SSH-2.0-libssh_1.3.4.0 2251 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[16:18:52] SSH2 is selected.
[16:18:52] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[16:18:52] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[16:18:52] host key: ssh-dss
[16:18:52] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[16:18:52] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[16:18:52] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[16:18:52] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[16:18:52] outgoing compression: none
[16:18:52] incoming compression: none
[16:18:52] Host authentication initiated...
[16:18:52] Hostkey fingerprint:
[16:18:52] ssh-dsa 1024 cd:6a:07:45:17:f1:a4:3d:62:1e:32:f8:29:53:b3:29
[16:18:52] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[16:18:52] Verified.
[16:18:52] User authentication initiated...
[16:18:52] Sent user name 'xxxx'.
[16:18:56] Sent password.
[16:18:56] Access granted.
[16:18:56] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[16:18:56] Succeeded.
[16:18:56] Sent pseudo terminal request...
[16:18:56] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
[16:18:56] Succeeded.
[16:18:56] Sent shell request...

Then it hanged there. No response received.
Now what I did is to open Xshell and connected to the SUN workstation. Then I used command to open xterm under Xshell. Then the Xmanager worked fine.

But there is one problem I worried. I found the wireless connection is not stable sometimes, which will disconnect automatically. However, other internet application worked fine, such as surfing and downloading. Is it possible that the QOS is low to restrict the use of Xmanager? Because I had no problem with wire LAN connection. However, I need to use wireless during the day, can you help me to solve this problem? Our network used DHCP. The remote host is a shared SUN workstation in the computer center.

I also suspect some software confiction because I used X-win32 before and it worked fine. Since recently it always disconnectted automatically, which caused me a lot of trouble. Then I began to switch to Xmanager for the Xshell tool to debug.

Thank you again for the help!

Re: Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:04 PM - Support
Our team is currently testing this issue. We will get back to you shortly. 

Meanwhile, please send us the following information:

1. Is this problem random or persistent?
2. Name/version of the wireless router and wireless PC LAN card.
3. See if the problem persists when running other applications such as dtterm.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Friday, May 5, 2006 7:33 AM - Xman

I am thinking it maybe the problem of my laptop IBM T42. Today, I went to the computer center to seek help. Xmanager worked fine there! Same setting, same condition even with lower speed 11M instead of 54M.

However, when the guy from the computer center accompanied with me to my lab, the problem still existed. He sent me some log file on the workstation. I hope it may help, so I posted it below:

> >> May 4 13:22:31 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26310]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Accept
> >> ed password for xxxx from port 2173 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:24:35 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26334]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Failed
> >> none for xxxx from port 2211 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:25:04 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26337]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Failed
> >> none for xxxx from port 2220 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:25:04 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26337]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Failed
> >> password for xxxx from port 2220 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:25:11 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26337]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Accept
> >> ed password for xxxx from port 2220 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:29:53 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26480]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Failed
> >> none for xxxx from port 2309 ssh2
> >> May 4 13:29:53 newport.eecs.uci.edu sshd[26480]: [ID 800047
> >> daemon.info]
> >> Accept
> >> ed password for xxxx from port 2309 ssh2

I thought those accepted ones were those attempts with xshell, while those failed were caused by using xstart. I am sure that the connection using xstart was established, because xmanager was running. However, after "Stop timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN)", there was no more reponse from the server. I am wondering if some ports are blocked either in my laptop or in the server, thus the xmanager is forbidden to open an xterm window. 

I think this problem is persistent recently. My wireless card is Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG. Driver version I tried the latest version, the result was the same. Then I rolled back to old one which I thought to be more stable. I also tried dtterm, which didn't work either.

I felt really boring about this. That's why I discard X-win32 definitely, which I cannot see any response from the server but only error message. I like the function "show reply message" to let me know what is happening below. Therefore, I really hope you can help me solve this problem. Thank you!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Tuesday, May 9, 2006 6:10 PM - Support
Xshell and Xstart share the same SSH module. If you can run xterm on Xshell, you can run it on Xstart as well. If xterm fails to start on Xshell occasionally as well, this probably means the problem is caused by unstable network condition. 

If you have not done so yet, try again after synchronizing the SSH settings on Xshell and Xstart.

Technical Support

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Thursday, June 28, 2007 6:02 PM - Carlos
Dear all,

I am using the wireless router Linksys, model WRT54GL here, and I can not get XDMCP servers or even get connected on the SUN station. 

After i open the Xbrowser, no servers are displayed there. When i try to go straight, typing the ip addresses on the Address field, i receive that grey screen, but the hostname come on the Window title.

The router config file is attached, hope it helps.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Cannot run xstrart using wireless connection

Friday, June 29, 2007 11:13 AM - Greg Zhang
Setting up a wireless router is not different from setting up a wired one. Just make sure the dtlogin process is running on the server and the router is configured to allow server to PC connection(Forwarding TCP ports 6000~6010 to your PC on router would do the trick).

Also, here is a nice step-by-step guide by Netsarang:


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