Cant open Xterm window [2]

Cant open Xterm window [2]

Cant open Xterm window

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 3:18 PM - Josh

here is what happens

[02:15:54] Resolving host name 'linux.gl.umbc.edu'...
[02:15:54] Connecting to 'linux.gl.umbc.edu'...
[02:15:54] Connected.
[02:15:54] Version exchange initiated...
[02:15:54] server: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_4.3
[02:15:54] client: SSH-2.0-libssh_1.3.5.1 2653 NetSarang Computer, Inc.
[02:15:54] SSH2 is selected.
[02:15:54] Algorithm negotiation initiated...
[02:15:54] key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[02:15:54] host key: ssh-dss
[02:15:54] outgoing encryption: aes128-cbc
[02:15:54] incoming encryption: aes128-cbc
[02:15:54] outgoing mac: hmac-sha1
[02:15:54] incoming mac: hmac-sha1
[02:15:54] outgoing compression: none
[02:15:54] incoming compression: none
[02:15:54] Host authentication initiated...
[02:15:54] Hostkey fingerprint:
[02:15:54] ssh-dsa 1024 38:0e:6b:eb:46:0e:63:cd:20:d7:49:a0:20:d2:b7:24
[02:15:54] Accepted. Verifying host key...
[02:15:54] Verified.
[02:15:54] User authentication initiated...
[02:15:54] Sent user name 'joshb2'.
[02:15:54] Sent password.
[02:15:54] Access granted.
[02:15:55] Sent X11 forwarding request...
[02:15:55] Succeeded.
[02:15:55] Sent the command line.
[02:15:55] /usr/bin/X11/xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY
[02:15:55] Start timer (TIMER_SHUTDOWN, 180).
/usr/bin/X11/xterm: Command not found.

I dont understand why the xterm window wont open, the server dosent seem to recongnize the command for some reason.

Re: Cant open Xterm window

Tuesday, September 4, 2007 3:55 PM - VK

"/usr/bin/X11/xterm: Command not found."

From this, I guess xterm is located in a different place. Try to run it without the full path:

xterm -ls -display $DISPLAY

If this fails, you need to find the full path of xterm and add it into the Xstart execution command.


Re: Re: Cant open Xterm window

Wednesday, September 5, 2007 2:00 AM - Josh

hey it worked, thanks man I appreciate it.

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