Strange behavior with compose bar [1]

Strange behavior with compose bar [1]

Strange behavior with compose bar

Friday, May 27, 2011 3:41 AM - Lazydba

I always use compose bar to execute commands. I noticed this strange
behavior but this doesn't happen all the time.

When I type a command or retrieve from old commands and press enter, another old command shows up in the compose bar. ( I except nothing in the compose bar at this time ). If I press ENTER again (I do this often like nohup .... ENTER and ENTER ), this unwanted command is getting executed on the shell.

To summarize:
After pressing ENTER in compose bar, the command should go the xshell and contents of the compose bar should be empty.

Can we fix this please?

Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Strange behavior with compose bar

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 1:05 AM - Support

We could not duplicate the problem. Can you tell us more about how we can duplicate the problem? Please let us know if there is any information that may help us duplicate the problem.

Meanwhile, we will keep trying to duplicate this problem.

Technical Support

Previous views: 103

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