Dynamic SOCKS proxy, like Putty? [2]

Dynamic SOCKS proxy, like Putty?

Sunday, July 24, 2011 4:48 PM - Victor Hooi


I'm currently in the process of migrating from Putty ot Xshell, and I was won

This is a fairly well-known feature on Putty where you can setup a dynamic SOCKS tunnel that will tunnel any local connections through Putty as if it were a SOCKS proxy:


I'm wondering what the equavilent functionality in Xshell is? I tried to setup a proxy with no destination port, and it wouldn't let me create it?


Program Ver. : Xshell 4

Re: Dynamic SOCKS proxy, like Putty?

Sunday, July 24, 2011 6:07 PM - Support

To use Xshell as SOCKS proxy server, here is how you can create a Dynamic (SOCKS4/5) tunnel:

1. Open Xshell and open session properties
2. Select SSH > Tunneling
3. Click the Add button
Result: The Forwarding Rule dialog box opens
4. For Type (Direction), select Dynamic (SOCKS4/5)
5. Enter 1080 in the Listen port field
6. Click OK to save the changes

Now, on network applications, set Proxy to local 1080 or ( in some cases).

Technical Support

Re: Dynamic SOCKS proxy, like Putty?

Sunday, July 24, 2011 11:45 PM - Victor Hooi


Ahah...lol, silly me, missed the dropdown =).


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