KeyMapping and Tab handling behaviour question [1]

KeyMapping and Tab handling behaviour question [1]

KeyMapping and Tab handling behaviour question

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 12:48 AM - numcbdl

Hi, I have some questions wrt KeyMapping and Tab handling behavior.


1. Do we have any document for KeyMapping feature?

2. The GUI for KeyMapping window is not user friendly imo... So when i click on that button, there is a text box called Category and "Edit" button and i have no idea how can i define a new keymap or modify an existing keymap until i found out that the Category is both a filter and a key mapping button.

a. Should we rename that Category label to something more user friendly?

b. Also, I think it is NOT correct to allow users click on the "Edit" button without defining a key map in advance, otherwise, it will end up with a key action without a shortcut key combination.

Tab handling

Current whenever i double click/middle click on a session (in the session tab), it will automatically clone a duplicate of that session instead of closing. I think it is not consistent with other programs with tab interface, so should we have an option for users to define what action they want for a double clcik, right clcik, middle click action on a tab?

Xshell 4b.0074

Program Ver. : Xshell 4 Beta

Re: KeyMapping and Tab handling behaviour question

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 1:33 AM - Support

1. Do we have any document for KeyMapping feature?
>> We are working on the Xshell 4 manual. Thank you for your patience.

2. The GUI for KeyMapping window is not user friendly imo... So when i click on that button, there is a text box called Category and "Edit" button and i have no idea how can i define a new keymap or modify an existing keymap until i found out that the Category is both a filter and a key mapping button.

a. Should we rename that Category label to something more user friendly?

b. Also, I think it is NOT correct to allow users click on the "Edit" button without defining a key map in advance, otherwise, it will end up with a key action without a shortcut key combination.

>> Thank you for your suggestion. We are going to make many adjustments to the Key Mapping dialog box before the official release.

Tab handling

Current whenever i double click/middle click on a session (in the session tab), it will automatically clone a duplicate of that session instead of closing. I think it is not consistent with other programs with tab interface, so should we have an option for users to define what action they want for a double clcik, right clcik, middle click action on a tab?

>> We finished testing this feature internally. It will be included in the next release.

Thank you for your suggestions/comments on Xshell.

Technical Support

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